Lessons from Kindergarten for You, an Alleged Adult

October 13, 2023
Ryan Hayes

In the fast-paced world of running a creative agency, where deadlines loom, and clients demand innovative solutions, it's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle. As a creative professional and a father, I've always sought inspiration and fresh perspectives to stay ahead of the curve. Surprisingly, some of the most valuable lessons I've learned to improve my creative agency didn't come from the industry but from a twice-a-month stint in my kindergartener's class. In doing this, I am sharing with you the unexpected connections between my experiences in the classroom and the world of creative agency management, highlighting how these seemingly unrelated realms can offer profound insights into fostering creativity, collaboration, and effective leadership.

Embrace the Power of Imagination

In a kindergartener's classroom, imagination knows no bounds. Children have an innate ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, transforming everyday objects into fantastical creations. This boundless creativity is a powerful reminder for creative agency professionals. Embracing imagination can lead to breakthrough ideas, innovative campaigns, and unique client solutions. Encouraging team members to think outside the box, visualize possibilities, and dream big can lead to remarkable results in the creative process.

Patience and Empathy

Working with young children requires a considerable amount of patience and empathy. It's essential to understand their unique perspectives, needs, and emotions. In the world of creative agency management, these qualities are equally crucial. Clients may have diverse backgrounds, expectations, and personalities. Approaching each client with patience and empathy can build stronger relationships and more successful partnerships.

Celebrate Small Wins

In a kindergarten classroom, every small achievement is celebrated. Whether mastering a new skill, finishing a project, or simply sharing a story, recognition and praise are essential motivators. In a creative agency, it's equally important to acknowledge and celebrate small wins along the way. Recognizing team members' efforts, no matter how minor, can boost morale, foster a positive work environment, and ultimately lead to tremendous success.

Drawing inspiration from the kindergarten classroom, creative agencies can foster a culture of imagination, patience, empathy, and celebration. These seemingly simple lessons can profoundly impact the agency's creative output, client relationships, and overall success. By embracing the power of imagination, practicing patience and empathy, and celebrating small wins, creative agency professionals can unlock their full potential and lead their teams to greater heights. As we navigate the dynamic and competitive landscape of creative work, let us remember that sometimes the most valuable lessons come from the unlikeliest of places - the classroom of a kindergartener.

Most importantly, though? I get to spend some time in class with Margot. She’s incredible, and watching her be a kid in her environment is something I treasure.
